
Guard life sincerely !

AEONMED Attended CMEF 2020

Beijing Aeonmed Co., Ltd. exhibited on 5.1Hall N17 CMEF Shanghai 18th -22nd Oct. 2020.

Aeonmed products & solutions has attracted great attentions on the exhibition. Waves of domestic and international customers came and shared. Being collaborating and united together, we are becoming better and stronger !

Aeonmed mainly focuses on 2 sections of products

1.Anesthesia and related operating room (OR) solutions including anesthesia machines, operating lights, operating tables, medical ceiling pendants, patient monitors, infusion pumps, medical warming blankets, endoscopes and digital OR solutions etc.

2.Mechanical ventilation and related respiratory disease management including ventilators, oxygen generators, high flow respiratory humidifiers, homecare products and digital intense care unit (ICU) solutions etc.

Aeonmed the leading expert of OR&ICU aims to supply you more reliable products, thoughtful service .

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