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Efficient and Comprehensive Anesthesia Assistant

An anesthesia workstation with comprehensive functions and effective applications
that help you easily find the solution in the complex perioperative situations.
Smarter ventilator that provides complete<br>anesthesia ventilation capabilities

Smarter ventilator that provides complete
anesthesia ventilation capabilities

Providing more flexibility in the ventilation strategy and
is suitable for various patients and operations.
Secure and reliable Fresh Gas and<br>Anesthetic Gas delivery system

Secure and reliable Fresh Gas and
Anesthetic Gas delivery system

Secure and reliable Fresh Gas and<br>Anesthetic Gas delivery system

Secure and reliable Fresh Gas and
Anesthetic Gas delivery system

Extensive monitoring

Extensive monitoring

Displays more clinical monitoring parameters such as continuous trend information and spirometry loops,
in addition, routine patient data and waveforms.

Made for you

Configurable system components for the anesthesia workstation.
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